
Section: Toxicology

Fee: $30.00

Turnaround Time: Estimated 5 – 10 business days

Days Test Started: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Species: All Species




Minimum Amount


Sealed, Leakproof Container

10 grams


Sealed, Leakproof Container

1 liter


Sealed, Leakproof Container

500 grams

Collection Information

GENERAL - Label all containers with appropriate information - Animal ID, Owner Name, Veterinarian, Sample Type, Date.
REFRIGERATION - Refrigerate all samples until shipment.
FRESH TISSUES - Collect tissues in sterile/clean containers (plastic jars or sealable plastic bags). Separate tissues in different containers and label with tissue type, animal ID, and owner name.
WATER - Collect one quart of water in a clean, sterile jar. Label the jar with appropriate identifying information (owner, location, date).
FEED/FORAGE - Collect one pound of feed or forage that represents the sample lot needing to be tested in a sealable, plastic bag. Label the bag with appropriate identifying information (owner, type, location, date).

Shipping Information

OVERNIGHT - Ship overnight in an insulated shipper with ice packs (pack absorptive material to collect moisture) DO NOT SHIP OVER THE WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY - NO SATURDAY DELIVERY
LEAKS - Ensure all samples are in leakproof packages and clearly labeled with Tissue Type/Animal ID/Owner Name. Include absorptive material to collect any leaks - double bag any fresh tissues.
PAPERWORK - Package paperwork separately in a waterproof, sealable plastic bag. Ensure paperwork is complete and specimens are labeled for easy matching. If you are using CF.755 Multiple Animal Continuation Form, please include a hard copy and email a copy to
FRESH TISSUES - If shipping different tissue types, clearly label each container with owner and animal ID (if applicable) and sample/tissue type. Double bag ALL fresh tissues.
FEED/FORAGE - Ship samples labeled and in a sealable, plastic bag.
WATER - Ensure lid is sealed completely and wrap with parafilm. Place sealed and labeled jar in a waterproof, sealable plastic bag.

Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, 765-494-7607

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