Patient Recruitment

We have multiple opportunities to participate in research studies.

Join us in unlocking the secrets of Boxer hearts!

Calling All Boxer Dog Owners!

This study on cardiac biomarkers in Boxer dogs, conducted by our team and other collaborators from Purdue University. This groundbreaking research aims to delve deeper into the specific cardiac biomarkers unique to Boxers with ARVC, providing valuable insights into their cardiovascular health.

By participating in this study, you'll play a crucial role in advancing veterinary medicine and improving the well-being of Boxer dogs everywhere. Together, we can uncover early detection methods, prevention strategies, and effective treatments for cardiac conditions that may affect our beloved Boxers. 

Our team of dedicated veterinarians and scientists is ready to guide you through the study, ensuring your Boxer's comfort and safety at every step. Your participation will help us develop better diagnostic tools and treatment options, hopefully leading to longer, healthier lives for Boxer dogs. 

Whether you have a young adult companion (2 years or older), or a wise senior, all ages and stages of Boxers are welcome to join this important research endeavor. Let's come together as a community of Boxer lovers to make a significant impact on their cardiac health!

To learn more about this groundbreaking study, please contact us at Join us in unlocking the secrets of Boxer hearts!

Together, let's take proactive steps towards the well-being of our cherished Boxer companions. Reserve your place in the study today!

Help Us Fight Atrial Fibrillation in Dogs!

Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent arrhythmia in dogs and people, can impact the well-being of our beloved canines.

At Purdue, we are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of atrial fibrillation in dogs. Through comprehensive research with diagnostic tests and cardiac markers in the blood, we aim to identify key factors, potential risk indicators, and innovative treatment approaches to combat this cardiac ailment.

We invite dog owners from all walks of life to join us in this noble endeavor. Whether you have a healthy large breed dog (over 60lb) or if your dog has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, your dog's participation is crucial in our pursuit of better health outcomes for all canines.

As a participant in this study, you'll be guided by a compassionate team of veterinarians and researchers who prioritize the comfort and well-being of your furry friend. Your dog's safety will always remain our top priority as we conduct thorough examinations, monitor cardiac activity, and collect vital data.

By joining forces with us, you become an advocate for the future of veterinary medicine. Your participation will contribute to the development of effective diagnostic tools, novel therapies, and preventive strategies for atrial fibrillation in dogs.

To learn more about this study, please contact us at

Together, let's pave the way for improved cardiac care in our four-legged friends. Reserve your dog's spot in this groundbreaking research today!

Our Research

We have assembled a team of dedicated experts led by the esteemed Dr. Dos Santos, a renowned veterinary cardiologist specializing in canine cardiac diseases. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to improve the lives of dogs like yours through cutting-edge research, innovative treatments, and compassionate care.

Learn more about our research