Cardiac Hemangiossarcoma

Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a devastating disease characterized by its aggressive nature and lack of specific clinical signs until advanced metastasis occurs. Commonly leading to pericardial effusion (fluid buildup around the heart), HSA's diagnosis via minimally invasive methods like cytology and fluid analysis remains challenging. Invasive methods like biopsy are often necessary. Developing new diagnostic and prognostic tools is vital, along with establishing realistic expectations for dog owners regarding animal well-being and quality of life.

What is the research about?

MicroRNAs, present in the bloodstream, play a crucial role in gene expression regulation and display changes in cancer. These characteristics render them attractive as potential biomarkers. Our objective is to pinpoint microRNA-based biomarkers that are suitable for the early detection and prognosis of HSA in dogs.

How can I participate?

We welcome both clients and veterinarians to reach out to us for further discussions regarding the specifics of required samples and the shipping details to our laboratory. Feel free to contact us to delve deeper into these aspects, and we'll be more than happy to provide you with the necessary information and guidance.

To learn more or participate in this study, please contact us at


Our research will cover the expenses related to shipping fees for materials, as well as cytology and miRNA investigations.