
The Veterinary Scholars Summer Research Program provides students with the opportunity to work directly on a faculty mentor's research project.

Mentors guide veterinary and undergraduate students in contributing to ongoing research, offering hands-on experience and insight into the scientific process. By participating in established projects, students gain a deeper understanding of veterinary medicine's role in research and explore career paths beyond clinical practice.

Learn more about the faculty mentors and the impactful research projects they lead.

Available Mentors List
Faculty Mentor Title Email Research Project Title
Wendy Beauvis BVetMed, MSc (VetEpi), PhD, DipECVPH Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health, Vice President of Phi Zeta Evaluating Interventions to Improve Biosecurity for the Control of Avian Influenza in Backyard Poultry
Amanda Darbyshire DVM, DACLAM Assistant Director of Clinical Medicine, Office of the Executive Vice President for Research, Clinical Assistant Professor Lab Animal Medicine
Meaghan Broman  DVM, PhD Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Pathology, Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Histologic Characterization of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures and the Immune Landscape of Canine Urothelial Carcinoma
Kari Ekenstedt DVM, PhD Associate Professor, Anatomy and Genetics, Department of Basic Medical Sciences Genetic Investigations of Inherited Disease in Dogs (2 Positions)
Ahmed Hassan BSPharm, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Pathobiology Research in Antimicrobial Resistance

Sun Young Kim, DVM, MS, DACVS

Associate Professor, Small Animal Surgery Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences


Validation of Two-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis using a Mobile App and Smartphone in Dogs
Leanne Nieforth MS, PhD Assistant Professor, Human-Animal Interaction, Center for the Human-Animal Bond Evaluating the Psychosocial Impacts of an Equine-assisted Learning Program for Military Veterans, Emergency Responders and Their Family Members
Shin Ae Park DVM, PhD, DACVO Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Effect of Biomechanical Properties of Ocular Tissues on Glaucoma Progression
Andrea Pires dos Santos DVM, MSc, PhD, DACVP (Clinical) Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Director of the Cytology Resource Center MicroRNA as Biomarkers of Disease or Infections Diseases
Christopher Rice BSc, PhD Assistant Professor, Parasitology
Section Head, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Department of Comparative Pathobiology

Exploration and Elucidation of Balamuthia Mandrillaris Pathogenicity Factors in Vivo Using a Mouse Model

Identification of Steroids Which Help Pathogens Induce More Damage During Microbial Keratitis Infection

Ilya Slizvoskiy DVM, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, Antimicrobial Resistance & Infectious Diseases, Purdue Veterinary Hospital Infectious Disease Epidemiologist

Big Data Integration and Interrogation of Human and Animal Metagenomes to Characterize Risks of Antimicrobial Resistance

A Decade of Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Across >50,000 Culture Submissions in a University Tertiary Veterinary Hospital

Rachel Soltys DVM, PhD, DACVM

Clinical Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Microbiology Section Head, Bacteriology


In-house Validation of Anaerobic Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST)
Sandra Taylor  DVM, PhD, DACVIM (LA)  Professor, Large Animal Internal Medicine, Chief of Staff, Equine and Farm Animal Hospitals


Management of Equine Sepsis

Michelle Tucker, DVM, PhD, DACVS (LA)

Assistant Professor, Large Animal Surgery, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences


Effect of Trazodone on Lameness in Horses


The Three-dimensional Effect of Laryngoplasty on the Equine Upper Airway

William Whitehouse, DVM

Assistant Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences


Investigating the Optimal Location for Blood Pressure Measurement in Dogs

Even if you have no interest in research, it is so beneficial to explore and interact with others! Listening to established veterinary researchers and other students is a transformative experience that will impact you and strengthen your work as a veterinarian and as a person in general!

Veterinary Scholar Participant